Tuesday, 12 August 2014

The evolution of the written word.

The gateway - and beyond!
Looking at the evolution of writing over time really made me think about promotional tools and marketing strategies. During the Bendigo Writers Festival, The Writing Revolution panelists spoke about the internet, and how many writers either disregard it as new technology, or think of it simply as a promotional outlet. The relevance of this to the website Goodreads struck me suddenly. Goodreads is a website where readers can rate and review the books they're read, add these books to lists, and voice their opinions. It's a great site, but it does have its downfalls. Being a writer who uses Goodreads can either be a great thing or a terrible one. They say that you should never google yourself, and I think that should definitely apply here. The only thing I would add to that statement would be, “don't try to defend your book against people who hate it.” I've seen many an author succumb to the temptation to leave angry replies on the reviews they dislike. This is always a terrible idea. Goodreads can be a great tool when used correctly; I've seen authors signing up and giving away signed copies of their books, reviewing other books, and just being generally cool people. Seeing that an author is a decent person can do wonderful things for the promotion of their writing.

The move from paper to the screen is tough for many. I love reading, and I've always loved the smell and feel of old books, but now I own an eReader. The Writing Revolution suggested that the evolution of writing should prompt people to stay open to new ideas, and to move with technology. If not, you risk alienating people and being left behind. On many levels, I agree with this. I definitely think that all of these new, technological tools have the ability to enhance what we already have. At the same time, there are authors I love who have nothing at all to do with social media, and just end up letting their writing do the talking for them. Ultimately, writers should do as they please, though they shouldn't condemn or disregard the internet as a valid tool at their disposal.


  1. Hi Sam, loving re-reading your blog as WiA approaches for another year. I am lucky to intern for Sue this year for both WiA subjects. May I please repost some of your blogs under the 'official' blog? You will recieve all credit, and a link to original post :) Sarah

  2. Hi Sarah! Yes, feel free! And congrats on the position. :)
